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Breakup counseling

Anxiety after a breakup, if you don’t know this, it’s dangerous -His Secret Obsession  -by James Bauer-

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Why does anxiety come after a breakup?

And how can you get rid of it?

-His Secret Obsession – by James Bauer

When you go through the pain of a breakup, you panic.

Even though the human brain generally hates change,

“I’m afraid he’s got a girlfriend.“

“I’m afraid I’ll never see him again.“

“Even when I don’t think about him, I feel something edgy.“

When these anxieties arise, your brain will spin like crazy in search of a solution and will try anything.


You’ve just entered the danger zone.

You’ve had enough of the breakup.

But it’s frustrating.

Being alone makes you feel empty and depressed.

You feel like you’re all alone in the world, and you can’t focus on anything.

Unfortunately, when a relationship crisis like a breakup hits, we tend to be overwhelmed by strong emotions.

Your brain needs to do something about it.

“Do something!” “Fix the problem!“

Your brain tells you to act impulsively.

So instead of improving the relationship, you end up making things worse.

You try everything to convince him otherwise.

You fall into a deep depression.

Everyone around you advises you to work on your relationship with him.

Your brain keeps nagging you to “do” something again.

After all, you’re being manipulated by your brain.

If you had acted more wisely, you would have had an 80%+ chance of reuniting, but instead, you’re hypnotized by your brain to take action, and you lose your chances of reuniting through dangling and persuasion.

In the end, you lose the most important initiative in the reunion, and your partner gets over you even more easily. You subconsciously think, “This person has no self-respect and is hanging on even though I told him/her to break up…He/she is a lousy person, let’s get him/her out of my head.

People subconsciously want someone of equal or greater value to themselves.

If a man thinks his partner is on a lower level than he is, he loses interest and becomes cold-hearted.

In a breakup situation, it’s hard to think rationally and become emotional.

My advice is simple.

For now, just “stay put.You need to lace up your sneakers and start exercising.

It may not seem like a big deal, but exercise pours coolant on a brain that is burning with wrong thinking.

This isn’t just my opinion, it’s proven in every neuroscience book.

When a guy meets a girl, there will be buttons for different reasons why he met her.




*Good personality



But over the course of their meeting, as they get used to each other, some buttons get turned off over time.

But the woman doesn’t know this and continues to rationalize and resent him.

There are secrets about why men break up and how to get your ex back.To become irresistible.

Learn more in His Secret Obsession

The principle of reunion is simple.

You just need to find the buttons that were turned off and turn them on without hanging on to the guy you broke up with.

To do this, you need to understand your situation.

If you’re in the midst of a breakup crisis, don’t hang on to “don’t leave me”.

 It will only make you less attractive.

Be his secret obsession.

Most women don’t understand this for one simple reason.

You need to learn how to become irresistible to your partner.

If you don’t know how to do this, your relationship is at risk for life.

-His Secret Obsession – by James Bauer-

Breakups come out of nowhere.

You’re in luck because now you have access to “His Secret Obsession,” a groundbreaking program written by relationship expert James Bauer based on more than 12 years of research and experience.

Today I’m excited to tell you about my latest relationship program for women.

A man’s powerful lifelong desire is half emotional and half biological.

Learn how to make him feel attached to you.

Once you know how to satisfy “his secret obsession”, you will become the number one priority in his life.